In your childhood you must’ve had a set of cards at your place or even your friend must be having them. Do you remember them? Everyone in majority used them to make card towers. The skill of building the highest tower and not letting it fall was a tough task though! But have you ever thought that why are there many shapes, colours, and numbers on that card? They have a reason let’s find out!

What are the shapes on the cards?

A game of cards usually that has shapes specifically heart, diamond, spade and club, having 52 cards in total. Each shapes have 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, ace, king ,queen, and a jack. It is usually played by many players. The player with higher weightage of cards wins the round. This game has been famous around the world and is emerging more as a popular game amongst all.

Know the types of hands to play the game.

The most popular and famous type of poker is ‘Texas Hold’em’ and ‘Omaha poker’. These games are played from the olden times by everyone.This game has some ranking of hands.

  • ‘Higher card’ is one lowest combo which is used to win if no one has any other combinations.
  • Second lowest poker combination is ‘One pair’ two cards of same number.
  • Other is ‘Three of a kind’ when three cards are of a same shape or number.
  • Then comes ‘straight’ which is five cards in an order.
  • Next up is a ‘flush’ it consists five cards of same shape. They can be in any order.
  • Then you have the ‘full house’ it’s a combo of ‘three kinds’ and ‘one pair’ in one hand.
  • Then ‘four of kind’ consists four cards of shapes or letters or numbers.
  • Straight flush’ is when you have a ‘flush’ in sequential order.
  • And lastly, we have the ‘royal flush’ which is the best hand in the game of poker

It consists of 10, jack, queen, king, ace of same shape and colour. Chances of getting a ‘royal flush’ are extremely rare though.

Your call on the cards..

Finally would like to say that this game might be a bit difficult for the beginners, but is a very interesting game as its need of ‘staying alert in the moment’ sharpens the mind of the people who play it! It is a bold statement as it is a risky game too, but in the end, you are to decide whether this challenging yet popular game makes a place in your life or no. you can also get daily cashback son the online sites.